LED / LER Index

This page contains an index of the articles published in the Litigation Economics Digest (LED) and the Litigation Economics Review (LER) from 1995-2004.

(previously Litigation Economics Digest)
Volume 1, No. 1 — Volume 6, No. 2
(Volume, number, page in bold type)

1999 Survey Study of Forensic Economists—Their Methods and Their Estimates of Forecast Variables, Brookshire, Michael and Frank Slesnick, LER 4:2, 65-96 

A History of the National Association of Forensic Economics, Brookshire, Michael L., LER 6:1, 22-32 

Accounting for Medicare Social Security Benefits and Payroll Taxes in Federal Cases: Federal Case Law and Errors by Many Forensic Economists, Taylor, Paul C. and Thomas R. Ireland, LER 2:1, 79-88 

Age-Earnings in Wrongful Death and Personal Injury Cases for Military Personnel, Schreiber, Max M., LER 1:2, 67-71 

Average Change in Wages: The ECI Advantage, Krueger, Kurt, LER 4:2, 119-132 

Calculating Labor Force Participation Tables Using CPS Microdata, Krueger, Kurt V., LER 5:2, 38-46 

Calculating the Present Value of Expected Future Medical Damages, Krueger, Kurt V., LER 5:1, 29-52 

Calculating Wages and the Value of Fringe Benefits in Cases Involving Military Personnel, Williams, David R., LER 1:2, 57-65 

Calculation of Lost Pension Benefits for Railroad Workers, Ciecka, James and Thomas Donley, LER 2:2, 136- 150 

Calculation of Lost Pension Benefits: A Comment, Frye, Eric and David Hatcher, LER 3:1, 69-77 

Case Study: A Simplified Approach for Equitable Distribution of an Award in a Wrongful Death Action, Lewis, 

W. Cris, Frank Caliendo and Tyler J. Bowles, LER 6:1, 17-21 

Cash Flow vs. Net Income in Commercial Litigation, Gaughan, Patrick A., Henry Fuentes and Laura Bonanomi, LER 1:1, 13-23 

Choosing the Appropriate Supply of Housework Equation, Sharir, Shmuel, LER 3:1, 51-59 

Compensated Demand Approach to Wrongful Termination and Personal Injury Cases, Ankrom, Jeff, LER 6:2, 50-52 

Cost of Carry and Prejudgment Interest, Escher, Susan and Kurt Krueger, LER 6:1, 12-16 

Date of Injury or Date of Trial: A Comment on Work Life Expectancy Calculations, Townsend Jules A., LER 2:2, 168-171 

Defending Against a Daubert Challenge, Spizman, Lawrence M. and John Kane, LER 3:1, 43-49 

Defending Against a Daubert Challenge: A Comment, Slesinger, Reuben E., LER 3:2, 183-184 

Economics of Ownership Rights in Valuing Minority Interests, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 4:1, 31-38 

Employee Stock Options as a Source of Compensation, Shapiro, Steven J. and Matthew L. O’Connor, LER 5:1, 11-18 

Engagement Letters for Experts in Valuing Damages in Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths, Gafford, W. Wade, LER 2:1, 31-53 

Estimating Hours of Lost Household Production Using Time Use Data: A Caution Greenwood, Greenwood, Daphne T., LER 2:1, 89-91 

Estimating the Economic Damage Resulting from the Pollution of a Municipal Water Supply, Horrell, James F. and D. Craig Shew, LER 2:1, 55-72 

Experiences From Two Decades: Some Practical Advice for Forensic Economists, Gilbreath, Kent, LER 1:2, 35- 49 

Forensic Economics of Medical Monitoring Protocols, Barrett, George A. and Michael L. Brookshire, LER 5:2, 15-26 

Forensic Economists, Their Methods and Estimates of Forecast Variables: A 2003 Survey Study, Brookshire, Michael L., Michael R. Luthy, and Frank L. Slesnick, LER 6:2, 28-44 

Forensic Implications of Inflation-Adjusted Bonds, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 2:2, 92-102 

Healthy Life Expectancy, Krueger, Kurt V., LER 4:1, 1-13 

Historical Averages and the “Real Rate” of Interest, Pflaum, Christopher C., Steven S. Duncan and Eric C. Frye, LER 2:2, 104-111 

Impact of Earnings Loss on Future Social Security Benefits: Much Ado About Nothing?, Fractor, David T., Daniel L. McConaughy and G. Michael Phillips., LER 2:2, 158-166 

Implications of Joiner Carmichael and the Report of the Judicial Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules for Forensic Economics, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 3:2, 173-179 

Inflation-Indexed Bonds: The Optimal Discount Rate?, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 1:2, 1-2 

Introduction to Cross Tabulation Statistics for Disparate Impact Cases, Phillips, G. Michael, LER 1:1, 39-44 

Is the Value of a Firm the Upper Limit of Future Lost Profits in Business Litigation?, Plummer, James L., LER 1:1, 25-38 

Jumping the Hurdles to NAFE’s Internet Site and Data Galore, de Seve, Charles W., LER 1:1, 75-84 

Life Expectancy and the Properties of Survival Data, Ciecka, James and Peter Ciecka, LER 1:2, 19-33 

Literature Corner: Recent Publications of Interest to Forensic Economists, Rodgers, James D. and Robert J. Thornton, LER 6:1, 36-42 

Literature Corner: Recent Publications of Interest to Forensic Economists, Rodgers, James D. and Robert J. Thornton, LER 6:2, 53-59 

Literature Corner: Recent Publications of Interest to Forensic Economists, Rodgers, James D. and Robert J. Thornton, LER 5:1, 53-58 

Loss of Earning Capacity in the Case of a Farmer, Brown, Ralph J., LER 1:1, 1-11 

Measure of Economic Damages in Insurance Subrogation: A Case Study, Hughes, Melvin A. and Paul E. Radloff, LER 3:1, 33-41 

Measuring the Intensity of Competition Across Geographic Markets, Rodriguez, Armando E. and Mark D. Williams, LER 5:1, 19-27 

Measuring the Intensity of Competition Across Geographic Markets: A Comment, Ewing, Bradley T. and Michael J. Piette, LER 6:1, 33-35 

Methodologies to Improve Economic and Vocational Analysis in Personal Injury Litigation, Cohen, Mark D. and Thomas Yankowski, LER 2:2, 126-135 

Note on the Credibility of Financial Data Used in Lost-Profit Appraisals, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis,LER 1:2, 51-55 

On the Application of the “Adjusted Winner” Conflict Resolution Methodology to Divorce Cases: An Introduction for Forensic Economists, Boyd, David W., LER 5:2, 2-8 

Parameter Uncertainty in the Estimation of the Markov Model of Labor Force Activity: Known Error Rates Satisfying Daubert, Skoog, Gary R. and James E. Ciecka, LER 6:2, 1-27 

Policy and Practice in the Equitable Distribution of Defined Pension Plans, Poindexter, J. C., David L. Baumer and Katherine Beal Frazier, LER 2:1, 13-29 

Preference Claims Puzzle: Wealth Transfer Implications of Controversial Judicial Preference Rulings, Michel, Allen, Israel Shaked and Heather Tullar, LER 6:1, 1-11 

Prejudgment Interest: Issues and Case Studies, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 4:2, 109-118 

Pricing Behavior of Video Rental Stores, Chang, Semoon, LER 2:2, 152-157 

Principles of Establishing the Lost Earnings Base, Brookshire, Michael L. and Shelly E. Caruthers, LER 1:1, 45-61 

Proposed Methodology to Measure Damages for Option Traders Alleging Securities Fraud, Tabak, David, Sveltlana Starykh and Marc Shotland, LER 5:2, 9-14 

Recent Developments in Ethics Credentials Standards and Disclosure, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 1:1, 95-96 

Recent Publications of Interest to Forensic Economists (Literature Corner), Rodgers, James D. and Robert J. Thornton, LER 5:2, 32-37 

Regarding the Calculation of Lost Pension Benefits for Railroad Workers: A Reply, Ciecka, James and Thomas Donley, LER 3:1, 79-82 

Regression Lags and Business Lost Income: A Case Study, McCausland, Allan S. and Norman H. Sedgley III, LER 4:2, 97-107 

Response to Bell and Taub: “Some Issues Concerning Risk Adjustments in Damage Calculations”, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 4:2, 157-158 

Review of Litigation Services: Information Sources for Expert Witnesses, Phillips, G. Michael and David T. Fractor, LER 1:1, 97-98 

Role of Economics in Regulatory Takings Cases, Trout, Robert R. and William W. Wade, LER 1:1, 63-74 

Simulation Modeling in Forensic Economics: The Example of Reasonable Royalty Negotiations, McGuire, Chester C., LER 4:1, 15-29 

Some Issues Concerning Risk Adjustments in Damage Calculations, Bell, Edward B. and Allan J. Taub, LER 4:2, 153-155 

Standard of Reasonable Probability in Forensic Economics: A Comment, Ward, John O., LER 3:2, 181-182 

Stationarity of the Net Discount Rate: Additional Evidence, Payne, James E., Bradley T. Ewing and Michael J. Piette, LER 3:1, 27-32 

Survey of the Legal Restrictions on Covenants Not To Compete, Hannes, Hadar, LER 5:1, 1-10 

Tax Returns as the Basis of Lost Profit Appraisals: Possible Adjustments, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 2:2, 112-124 

Taxation Considerations in Economic Damages Calculations, Shefftz, Jonathan S., LER 6:2, 45-49 

Taxation of Damage Awards: Current Law and Implications, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 2:1, 73- 77 

The Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident and Business Interruption Losses: Two Case Studies, Posatko, Robert C., LER 3:2, 135-150 

Time Series Analysis of Gasoline Pricing in an Antitrust Claim, Trout, Robert R. and Carroll B. Foster, LER 4:2, 133-152 

Time-Series Properties of Capitalization Rates, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 5:2, 27-31 

Transfer Pricing with Differential Taxation, Foster, Carroll B., LER 3:2, 85-99 

Use of Hedonic Loss Claims in the United States: A Survey, Keil, Stanley R. and H. Brian Moehring, LER 1:1, 85-93 

Use of Statistical Methods in Disparate Impact Cases: The Northern Mariana Islands Case, Hartman, Raymond S., LER 3:1, 1-25 

Using Interrupted Time Series analysis to Assess an Allegedly Damaging Event, Coleman, B. Jay and C. Donald Wiggins, LER 1:2, 3-18 

Using Revealed Preference to Evaluate the Reservation Wage and the Value of Leisure, Isley, Phyllis and Robert Rosenman, LER 3:1, 61-67 

Valuation of Warrants with Implications to the Valuation of Employee Stock Options, Johnston, Gary R., LER 3:2, 101-134 

Valuing the Components of the Compensation Package of Executives, Williams, David R., LER 3:2, 163-172 

Where Have All the Black Pharmacists Gone? Litigation Affirmative Action and Government Statistics, Hawley, Clifford B., LER 2:1, 1-11 

Work Life Expectancies of Nonsmokers Light Smokers and Heavy Smokers, Ciecka, James, Thomas Donley Seth Epstein and Jerry Goldman, LER 3:2, 151-162 

Working Together: Some Practical Advise for Lawyers and Forensic Economics, Gilbreath, Kent and Robert B. Gilbreath, LER 4:1, 39-57 

Calculation of Lost Pension Benefits for Railroad Workers, Ciecka, James and Thomas Donley, LER 2:2, 136- 150 

Calculation of Lost Pension Benefits: A Comment, Frye, Eric and David Hatcher, LER 3:1, 69-77 

Case Study: A Simplified Approach for Equitable Distribution of an Award in a Wrongful Death Action, Lewis,W. Cris, Frank Caliendo and Tyler J. Bowles, LER 6:1, 17-21 

Cash Flow vs. Net Income in Commercial Litigation, Gaughan, Patrick A., Henry Fuentes and Laura Bonanomi, LER 1:1, 13-23 

Choosing the Appropriate Supply of Housework Equation, Sharir, Shmuel, LER 3:1, 51-59 

Compensated Demand Approach to Wrongful Termination and Personal Injury Cases, Ankrom, Jeff, LER 6:2, 50-52 

Cost of Carry and Prejudgment Interest, Escher, Susan and Kurt Krueger, LER 6:1, 12-16 

Date of Injury or Date of Trial: A Comment on Work Life Expectancy Calculations, Townsend Jules A., LER 2:2, 168-171 

Defending Against a Daubert Challenge, Spizman, Lawrence M. and John Kane, LER 3:1, 43-49 

Defending Against a Daubert Challenge: A Comment, Slesinger, Reuben E., LER 3:2, 183-184 

Economics of Ownership Rights in Valuing Minority Interests, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 4:1, 31-38 

Employee Stock Options as a Source of Compensation, Shapiro, Steven J. and Matthew L. O’Connor, LER 5:1, 11-18 

Engagement Letters for Experts in Valuing Damages in Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths, Gafford, W. Wade, LER 2:1, 31-53 

Estimating Hours of Lost Household Production Using Time Use Data: A Caution Greenwood, Greenwood, Daphne T., LER 2:1, 89-91 

Estimating the Economic Damage Resulting from the Pollution of a Municipal Water Supply, Horrell, James F. and D. Craig Shew, LER 2:1, 55-72 

Experiences From Two Decades: Some Practical Advice for Forensic Economists, Gilbreath, Kent, LER 1:2, 35- 49 

Forensic Economics of Medical Monitoring Protocols, Barrett, George A. and Michael L. Brookshire, LER 5:2, 15-26 

Forensic Economists, Their Methods and Estimates of Forecast Variables: A 2003 Survey Study, Brookshire, Michael L., Michael R. Luthy, and Frank L. Slesnick, LER 6:2, 28-44 

Forensic Implications of Inflation-Adjusted Bonds, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 2:2, 92-102 

Healthy Life Expectancy, Krueger, Kurt V., LER 4:1, 1-13 

Historical Averages and the “Real Rate” of Interest, Pflaum, Christopher C., Steven S. Duncan and Eric C. Frye, LER 2:2, 104-111 

Impact of Earnings Loss on Future Social Security Benefits: Much Ado About Nothing?, Fractor, David T., Daniel L. McConaughy and G. Michael Phillips., LER 2:2, 158-166 

Implications of Joiner Carmichael and the Report of the Judicial Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules for Forensic Economics, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 3:2, 173-179 

Inflation-Indexed Bonds: The Optimal Discount Rate?, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 1:2, 1-2 

Introduction to Cross Tabulation Statistics for Disparate Impact Cases, Phillips, G. Michael, LER 1:1, 39-44 

Is the Value of a Firm the Upper Limit of Future Lost Profits in Business Litigation?, Plummer, James L., LER 1:1, 25-38 

Jumping the Hurdles to NAFE’s Internet Site and Data Galore, de Seve, Charles W., LER 1:1, 75-84 

Life Expectancy and the Properties of Survival Data, Ciecka, James and Peter Ciecka, LER 1:2, 19-33 

Literature Corner: Recent Publications of Interest to Forensic Economists, Rodgers, James D. and Robert J. Thornton, LER 6:1, 36-42 

Literature Corner: Recent Publications of Interest to Forensic Economists, Rodgers, James D. and Robert J. Thornton, LER 6:2, 53-59 

Literature Corner: Recent Publications of Interest to Forensic Economists, Rodgers, James D. and Robert J. Thornton, LER 5:1, 53-58 

Loss of Earning Capacity in the Case of a Farmer, Brown, Ralph J., LER 1:1, 1-11 

Measure of Economic Damages in Insurance Subrogation: A Case Study, Hughes, Melvin A. and Paul E. Radloff, LER 3:1, 33-41 

Measuring the Intensity of Competition Across Geographic Markets, Rodriguez, Armando E. and Mark D. Williams, LER 5:1, 19-27 

Measuring the Intensity of Competition Across Geographic Markets: A Comment, Ewing, Bradley T. and Michael J. Piette, LER 6:1, 33-35 

Methodologies to Improve Economic and Vocational Analysis in Personal Injury Litigation, Cohen, Mark D. and Thomas Yankowski, LER 2:2, 126-135 

Note on the Credibility of Financial Data Used in Lost-Profit Appraisals, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 1:2, 51-55 

On the Application of the “Adjusted Winner” Conflict Resolution Methodology to Divorce Cases: An Introduction for Forensic Economists, Boyd, David W., LER 5:2, 2-8 

Parameter Uncertainty in the Estimation of the Markov Model of Labor Force Activity: Known Error Rates Satisfying Daubert, Skoog, Gary R. and James E. Ciecka, LER 6:2, 1-27 

Policy and Practice in the Equitable Distribution of Defined Pension Plans, Poindexter, J. C., David L. Baumer and Katherine Beal Frazier, LER 2:1, 13-29 

Preference Claims Puzzle: Wealth Transfer Implications of Controversial Judicial Preference Rulings, Michel, Allen, Israel Shaked and Heather Tullar, LER 6:1, 1-11 

Prejudgment Interest: Issues and Case Studies, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 4:2, 109-118 

Pricing Behavior of Video Rental Stores, Chang, Semoon, LER 2:2, 152-157 

Principles of Establishing the Lost Earnings Base, Brookshire, Michael L. and Shelly E. Caruthers, LER 1:1, 45-61 

Proposed Methodology to Measure Damages for Option Traders Alleging Securities Fraud, Tabak, David, Sveltlana Starykh and Marc Shotland, LER 5:2, 9-14 

Recent Developments in Ethics Credentials Standards and Disclosure, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 1:1, 95-96 

Recent Publications of Interest to Forensic Economists (Literature Corner), Rodgers, James D. and Robert J. Thornton, LER 5:2, 32-37 

Regarding the Calculation of Lost Pension Benefits for Railroad Workers: A Reply, Ciecka, James and Thomas Donley, LER 3:1, 79-82 

Regression Lags and Business Lost Income: A Case Study, McCausland, Allan S. and Norman H. Sedgley III, LER 4:2, 97-107 

Response to Bell and Taub: “Some Issues Concerning Risk Adjustments in Damage Calculations”, Ireland, Thomas R., LER 4:2, 157-158 

Review of Litigation Services: Information Sources for Expert Witnesses, Phillips, G. Michael and David T. Fractor, LER 1:1, 97-98 

Role of Economics in Regulatory Takings Cases, Trout, Robert R. and William W. Wade, LER 1:1, 63-74 

Simulation Modeling in Forensic Economics: The Example of Reasonable Royalty Negotiations, McGuire, Chester C., LER 4:1, 15-29 

Some Issues Concerning Risk Adjustments in Damage Calculations, Bell, Edward B. and Allan J. Taub, LER 4:2, 153-155 

Standard of Reasonable Probability in Forensic Economics: A Comment, Ward, John O., LER 3:2, 181-182 

Stationarity of the Net Discount Rate: Additional Evidence, Payne, James E., Bradley T. Ewing and Michael J. Piette, LER 3:1, 27-32 

Survey of the Legal Restrictions on Covenants Not To Compete, Hannes, Hadar, LER 5:1, 1-10 

Tax Returns as the Basis of Lost Profit Appraisals: Possible Adjustments, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 2:2, 112-124 

Taxation Considerations in Economic Damages Calculations, Shefftz, Jonathan S., LER 6:2, 45-49 

Taxation of Damage Awards: Current Law and Implications, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 2:1, 73- 77 

The Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident and Business Interruption Losses: Two Case Studies, Posatko, Robert C., LER 3:2, 135-150 

Time Series Analysis of Gasoline Pricing in an Antitrust Claim, Trout, Robert R. and Carroll B. Foster, LER 4:2, 133-152 

Time-Series Properties of Capitalization Rates, Bowles, Tyler J. and W. Cris Lewis, LER 5:2, 27-31 

Transfer Pricing with Differential Taxation, Foster, Carroll B., LER 3:2, 85-99 

Use of Hedonic Loss Claims in the United States: A Survey, Keil, Stanley R. and H. Brian Moehring, LER 1:1, 85-93 

Use of Statistical Methods in Disparate Impact Cases: The Northern Mariana Islands Case, Hartman, Raymond S., LER 3:1, 1-25 

Using Interrupted Time Series analysis to Assess an Allegedly Damaging Event, Coleman, B. Jay and C. Donald Wiggins, LER 1:2, 3-18 

Using Revealed Preference to Evaluate the Reservation Wage and the Value of Leisure, Isley, Phyllis and Robert Rosenman, LER 3:1, 61-67 

Valuation of Warrants with Implications to the Valuation of Employee Stock Options, Johnston, Gary R., LER 3:2, 101-134 

Valuing the Components of the Compensation Package of Executives, Williams, David R., LER 3:2, 163-172 

Where Have All the Black Pharmacists Gone? Litigation Affirmative Action and Government Statistics, Hawley, Clifford B., LER 2:1, 1-11 

Work Life Expectancies of Nonsmokers Light Smokers and Heavy Smokers, Ciecka, James, Thomas Donley Seth Epstein and Jerry Goldman, LER 3:2, 151-162 

Working Together: Some Practical Advise for Lawyers and Forensic Economics, Gilbreath, Kent and Robert B. Gilbreath, LER 4:1, 39-57