The Journal of Forensic Economics (JFE) presents academic research pertaining to the application of economics to litigation matters. The JFE is published twice a year with a principle objective to promote research in issues of forensic economics and to raise the base of knowledge in the field. All submissions are subject to double-blind, peer review.
The JFE is available online to all active individual National Association of Forensic Economics members. For journal access, NAFE members should log in here and then follow the link below to “Read the JFE”.
If you would like to submit an article to JFE or desire more information about the submission process, check out the helpful links below:
If you have questions regarding JFE and its article submission process, please email Production Editor Nancy Eldridge at
Editorial Team

Executive Editor
Lane Hudgins
Lane Hudgins Analysis
1004 Walnut Street
Murphysboro, IL 62966

Executive Editor
David MacPherson
Trinity University
One Trinity Place
San Antonio, TX 78212

Executive Editor
Nikanor Volkov
Mercer University
3001 Mercer University Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30341

Emeritus Editor
Steven J. Shapiro
Analytic Resources, LLC
487 Skyline Drive
Orange, CT 06477

Emeritus Editor
James E. Ciecka
DePaul University
1 E. Jackson Blvd.
DePaul Center 6213 Chicago, IL 60604

Emeritus Editor
John O. Ward
University of Missouri-Kansas City
John Ward Economics
Suite 235
8340 Mission RD Prairie Village, KS 66206
The JFE is abstracted/indexed by: American Economic Association Electronic Online and CD-ROM Indexing and Abstracting Services; Contents of Recent Economics Journals; Sage Abstracts: Criminal Justice Indexing; Current Law Index; Sage Abstracts: Human Resources; International Bibliography of Book Reviews; International Bibliography of Periodical Literature; International Bibliography of the Social Sciences: Economics; International Current Awareness Services; Journal of Economic Literature: Index of Economics Articles in Journals and Collective Volumes; Legal Resources Index; and, Legaltrac™.